In 2015, Brent & Megen Hurst began making chocolate because it was difficult to find sweet treats that
weren't loaded with processed sugars, gluten, dairy, or artificial ingredients and preservatives. Megen
was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of 31, and when the medications weren't working,
Brent suggested that she take a different approach to treating her condition with clean and natural foods.
With much research and experimentation, Megen achieved great goals in taking back control of her
health. After about a year of healthy eating, she managed to regain increased mobility and experienced
less pain without medications. She was healing herself with food!
One night, Brent asked Megen what she missed most about the culinary
"Chocolate!" is what she replied.
He said "We're going to have to make it!"
So they gave it a whirl!
After perfecting the sweetest original recipe, they began developing
many different flavors. To-date they have invented over 200 flavors of
gourmet chocolate, including Neapolitan that actually changes flavors!
They started sharing their creations with friends and family. After many
suggestions from their new chocolate fans, the Hursts decided to figure
out a way to use their new discovery in a way that would help others
that suffer from food allergies or dietary restrictions. They decided to rent a kitchen and wholesale their
chocolate to five local stores. In 2016 they moved to rent a storefront/kitchen in downtown St. Johns to
manufacture the products and open a retail location to the public. They quickly ran out of space due to the
increased demand of their products . In 2017 the Hursts bought a historic newspaper factory in their hometown of St. Johns and they re-purposed it into a manufacturing facility and retail location that is free of nuts, soy, and gluten. You can now find Oh Mi Organics products in several fine retailers in the
Mid-Michigan area, and their storefront has become a destination stop for many. In 2023 Oh Mi Organics
started shipping their chocolates nationwide!
You can order online here: https://ohmiorganics.square.site/
Oh Mi Organics is a family owned and operated business.
Brent & Megen are grandparents of Owen and Hollie (hence the OH).
They love the great state of Michigan (there's the MI).
And "Oh my" is generally the first 2 words people say when they try the chocolate.
It's that simple, just like the original recipe chocolate that has, and always will be, handmade with love.

Brent & Megen Hurst,
co-founders of Oh Mi Organics

Owen & Hollie
Oh Mi Organics is Brent & Megen's way of putting a little love back to the world.
This is done in many ways:
1% of in-store sales are donated to the local Community Recycling Center that is operated by the Lions Club of St. Johns.
Assisting the local food bank, schools, and organizations to help better the community.
Sweetest Senior Award - Oh Mi Organics gives free chocolate for life to one graduating student from St. Johns High School each year for being the kindest student on campus.